How do we get more success in life by getting spiritual and how not to get carried away with that success?

Preacher Questions and AnswersHow do we get more success in life by getting spiritual and how not to get carried away with that success?
Avatar of Pooja AnandPooja Anand Staff asked 10 years ago
1 Answers
Avatar of Pooja AnandPooja Anand Staff answered 10 years ago

Luckily, Krishn would never let His devotee get carried away with success. In fact it is His statement in the Bhagwatam that when He Graces a devotee, He takes away the objects of his attachment, so that he will not be distracted, and he will turn fully towards Krishn. The point is that as long as your desire is to attain Krishn, then just try your best in the world, and take whatever comes as His prasad.

As regards spirituality helping us attain more success in life, the thing to remember is that our major financial situations and social successes and failures are already determined by our destiny. This is based on our past life’s actions, which fructify in this life as the ups and downs that we experience in the world. That means that no matter how spiritual we are, we can’t find more success than we’re already destined for. So use spirituality to find inner success. The more your develop your connection with Radha Krishn, the more inner stability you will have. This gives you the strength to weather any stormin the world and it means that you can be truly happy in all situations. This is the power of spirituality, it gives  you the ability to be happy no matter what happens to you in the world.