Preacher Questions and Answers

Avatar of Abhishek Joshi

Shree Maharaj Ji beautifully described how to recognize a God realized saint. We often see those characters (Asht Satvik bhavs, Love for God etc.) in some preacers of Shree Maharaj Ji, considering them a God realized saints (We wish to consider them as "GURU", as we easily get their association & can take advantage of it. But Shree Maharaj Ji instructed in one of his lecture in1989, not to consider any preacher as GURU, as they all are under the bondage of maya. Now thinking against Shree Maharaj Ji’s instruction would make a naamapradh. Please suggest in what way we should see the preachers of Shree Maharaj Ji either God realized sain or as high class Sadhak.

Answer: Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj often stated that none of his preachers are God realized, they are under maya, and should not be thought of as Saints. He trained his preachers to be able to speak on the devotional philosophy and thereby guide people towards the path of devotion, but they should not be thought of as Gurus. Having the association of any sadhak who encourages you towards devotion is good association and will help you, whether it is a preacher, or a so-called "normal" devotee.

As far as the asht sattvik bhav goes, there is a big difference between the sattvik bhav revealed by a Saint and the sattvik bhav seen in a sadhak. The Saint's sattvik bhav are true Divine expressions of the ocean of Krishna love that resides in his heart, whereas the sattvik bhav of a sadhak are the sign that he has some heart purification and has developed some feelings of love for Krishna, but he may still have a long way to go. 


Radhey Radhey,

Swami Nikhilanand, pracharak of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj 
Abhishek Joshi asked 10 years ago  •      Comment: Post a comment
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Avatar of Sanjana Kharel

Why does krishn only write down the actions of humans, but not animals?

Answer: Humans have the ability to discriminate between right and wrong, whereas animals behave according to their instincts. So animals cannot be held accountable for their actions, but humans can. That is why Krishna keeps track of all the actions a human does and also gives them the reward or punishment according to their good or bad actions.
Sanjana Kharel asked 10 years ago  •      Comment: Post a comment
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Avatar of Brinda Kharel

how can you guarentee/know you will go to narak after your birth?

Answer: There is no way to know where you are going to go after death until that time comes. Then you will see all your life's actions, and will understand where you are going and why.
V K asked 10 years ago  •      Comment: Post a comment
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Avatar of Sanjana Kharel

I have heard that if a person does devotion for more than half of there life they become a human in there next life does god count it by time or age?

Answer: You must have your thoughts in God consistently more than half the time every day.
Sanjana Kharel asked 10 years ago     Comment: Post a comment
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who left the earth first radha or krishn?

Answer: Garg Sanhita tells that after Krishna  disappeared from the bank of the Saraswati (where He had been worshiped by Brahma, Shiv, Indra, etc.), He reappeared in Braj. Then along with Radha, Gopis and Gwals, He disappeared, or entered the Divine abode.
Sanjana Kharel asked 10 years ago     Comment: Post a comment
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how did krishn leave the earth

Answer: Shree Krishna's body is Divine, eternal and omnipresent. His body is not born like ours is. It is not formed in His mother's womb. He is already omnipresent in His Divine form, so He just appears. Meaning, He makes Himself visible at one place on the earth. At this time, He still remains omnipresent. When He "leaves" the earth, He doesn't really go anywhere. He just disappears. His body does not die, and He does not leave it, because He is His Divine body.
Sanjana Kharel asked 10 years ago     Comment: Post a comment
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Whenever you have full faith in god,and do not surrender do you still go to golok

Answer: Full faith in God means 100% surrender. When you say you do not surrender, it means your faith is still not 100%, it is lacking somewhere. Once you have full faith in God, it will mean you have surrendered to Him completely and only then you will qualify to go to Golok. 
Sanjana Kharel asked 10 years ago  •      Comment: Post a comment
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if you are really sorry for doing nam aparad can your guru forgive you?

Answer: We should know that God and Guru do not look to punish someone who has done a namapradh. The damage is done by our own mind. We pollute our own mind with our wrong thinking and then we suffer the consequences. But God and Guru know that as long as we are under the bondage of maya, we will continue to make such mistakes. They are more than willing to forgive us and to help us overcome the negative consequences of our mistake. All a sadhak has to do is admit his mistake, sincerely ask for forgiveness, and resolve never to make that mistake again. When you do that, your Guru will forgive you and will help you recover your lost devotion so that you can go ahead on the path. 
Sanjana Kharel asked 10 years ago  •      Comment: Post a comment
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