Hinduism Classes for Kids above 7 years and Adults.
Fun, Informal, Interactive Format that makes learning Hinusism easy and fun.
Classes are in English with time for Q&A and jeopardy at the end of class for revision
Dinner every evening after Classes. Volunteers can choose to bring Dinner if they like to contribute
Do you or your kids have unanswered questions about Hinduism? Do they ask you questions that you have a hard time answering?
This is a great time to learn what our eternal Vedic Scriptures teach us about Hinduism, in an easy, simple and engaging format. Join us for this 6-Day immersive Family Hinduism Classes with Swami Nikhilanand, who excels at teaching kids & adults at the same time. Take out the time to bring your family to these sessions and learn as a family how to practice Hindu faith as a family. You will be glad you did!
Topics of discussion for this week will be:
Difference between Mayic & Divine Abodes
Law of Karma - How does it work?
Mandirs & Moortis - Why do we need them?
How to practice Hinduism everyday?
Classes are from 7pm - 8:30pm everyday, followed by Dinner Prasad. Please register so we know how many people to expect. If you would like to contribute to dinner prasad items one of the days sign up on the link above. We look forward to seeing you there.