Preacher Questions and Answers

Preacher Questions and AnswersAuthor "spongeybobsquarepants_hotmail-com"
Avatar of Samaira Arora

Worshipping Shree Radha

Question Detail: I worship only Radha Ji and to a greater extent. Will I still get god-realization or is it mandatory to develop a feeling towards shree krishna? also, what bhavs are applicable to shree radha ji, all of them?
Answer: Radhey Radhey,  The topic of Radha Rani is one of the deepest and most difficult to understand. For a brief overview, I would recommend the following 2 minute video:
 For a more in depth understanding, please see the two part lecture by Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj: For your brief understanding, I would say that Radha Rani is supreme brahm. She is one with Shree Krishna. She is His female form; or He is Radha's male form.

Samaira Arora asked 7 years ago     Comment: Post a comment
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