What is the relation between meditation and memory? What are the rules for meditation?

Preacher Questions and AnswersWhat is the relation between meditation and memory? What are the rules for meditation?
Avatar of Pooja AnandPooja Anand Staff asked 10 years ago
1 Answers
Avatar of Pooja AnandPooja Anand Staff answered 10 years ago

I am guessing that by memory you mean my use of the word ‘remembrance’. Remembrance means the same as ‘smaran’. It means when you think about someone or you remember them in your heart. Thinking about Radha Krishn and Their leelas is remembrance or smaran. That is the form of meditation you do on the path of bhakti.
On the path of bhakti there are no restrictions of time or place for meditation. You can meditate anytime, anyplace. There is also no required posture for meditation. The only requirement is that you should be remembering Radha Krishn.