Preacher Questions and Answers

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Who is guru of Kripaluji Maharaja?

Question Detail: Hello, I have a question. I am really inspired by Kripaluji Maharaja, I have seen some of his lectures and kirtans and I just really feel divine bliss from him. I would like to associate with his sangha but I have one question. He was speaking a lot about importance of guru. But who was his guru? Who is guru of Kripaluji Maharaja and to which sampradaya and parampara he belongs to? Thank you for your response.
Answer: Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj did not reveal any details about who his Guru was.  On the question of sampraday, he often answered humorously that he belongs to the sampraday of Shree Krishna. The souls who have followed his teachings never cared much to know these details about him. They knew they had found a true Guru in him and a true path to God in what he taught - raganuga bhakti (selfless devotion to God). That is all that mattered to them.  

As you yourself have experienced, the wisdom of his speeches is available to guide us and the bliss of his chanting is here to uplift us. We can take advantage of these resources to help us proceed on the path of bhakti and reach our goal of God realization. 

David Forman asked 9 years ago     Comment: Post a comment
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