Time For War

Time For War

We come to this holy place, Radha Madhav Dham with a hope to move ahead and win this war against our mind. We have been trained by generals with the same main goal: god realization. With the skills of a focused mind and concentration like Arjuna’s arrow, we could emerge victorious. Our most powerful weapon we have is ready in use; love. The armor of devotion. We alone decide how strong our armor should be. The more we do, the stronger it gets. When our enemy gets attached, making us get further away from victory, our armor shields it away, leaving us unaffected. Our charioteer is none other than  the knowledge we receive. The charioteer steers us in the right path when our devotion wavers. Most importantly, is the grace we receive. It is the perfect type of hope. When we leave, on that sad day, we must bravely stand and fight this war.

Written by: Shruti Vasudeva, 10, Marlboro, New Jersey